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The Forrester Wave™: Low-Code Development Platforms For Professional Developers, Q2 2023
As the demand for applications continues to grow, many development teams are adopting low-code application development platforms to deliver innovative digital solutions faster and with higher quality.
In the recent Forrester Wave™: Low-Code Development Platforms For Professional Developers, Q2 2023 report, Forrester Research scored the 14 most significant low-code development platforms on current offering, market presence, and strategy. The report notes that OutSystems is "a long-standing Leader in low-code…".
Discover, engage and connect digital infrastructures across Greater China
Cross-border data flows in Greater China are among the world’s highest. As enterprises increasingly move their applications to the cloud, their networks are under greater demands to ensure speed, scalability, accessibility and security. It is time enterprises rethink the way their network infrastructures are architected to leverage the latest technologies and ecosystems for greater collaboration with one’s customers, partners, supply chains and more.
Featured Whitepapers - Read our series of whitepapers to gain industry insights
As enterprises embrace modern technology trends and cloud computing, security becomes a top concern. This is especially evident in the surge in phishing attacks against cloud services, many of which have led to massive data breaches. As a result, IT teams are seeking streamlined methods of centrally defining and enforcing access controls to manage security and compliance in a consistent manner across their cloud and on-premises applications.
Featured Whitepapers - Read our series of whitepapers to gain industry insights
Innovation Whitepaper series:
Are your software methodologies able to keep pace with the new market realities?
Make Your Business More Agile and Efficient with Low-Code
Create a modern application platform for a customer-first culture
The Speed of Change. How Fast Are You?
Making the Shift from Legacy: Leading CIOs Spark Transformation and Innovation

Be mindful of the ongoing challenges in 2021
Your Path to a Digital Future Playbook
To stay competitive and meet customer and partner expectations, companies need to shift to an edge-first workload and application architecture with the right underlying digital infrastructure in place.
In this special edition of our Hong Kong playbook, we explore the world of digital transformation in light of current world events, and discuss how enterprises can get
ahead in the digital future.

An InfoBrief by IDC
Every enterprise will need to be a digital innovation factory in three to five years.
Changing market conditions always bring new opportunities to relook at business and operating models. Digital innovation has always been the key to staying relevant and ahead of the pack, but organisations are often unsure how they can leverage technology and make it a core value that can deliver smart solutions and lasting agility.
In this infobrief, on low-code landscape in Asia-Pacific, IDC delves into how organisations can turn into digital innovation factories to survive and thrive in today’s times.

Survey Report on
Delivering Secure Digital Consumer Experiences Using the Edge
Delivering and securing digital websites using the Edge is the most architecturally elegant way to enable powerful and secure customer journeys. Today, the Intelligent Edge enables the world’s top brands to transform entertainment, business, and life in ways that we have yet to even imagine.
The objective of this survey is to study the opportunities and challenges of delivering secure digital consumer experiences using the Edge.

IDC MarketScape:
本IDC研究基于IDC MarketScape模型介绍评估2019年托管和互连供应商市场。此评估涵盖全球范围内的9个主要托管服务提供商。此评估以当前和未来的能力为依据,对企业要求进行全面分析。

Architecting Hybrid IT and Edge for Digital Advantage
值此混合 IT 盛行的新时期,企业网络必须进化升级。为满足全新的数字要求,企业愈发需要存在于传统数据中心以外的 IT 架构,即使用公共云、托管私有云、软件即服务 (SaaS) 提供商或边缘计算。鉴于混合IT 架构的部署方案持续给核心业务流程带来变革,企业也随之被当下盛行的边缘分析、5G 和 loT 技术潮流裹挟着,愈加靠近网络边缘侧。以上转变催生了全新的分布式模型,并由此使得生态系统、合作伙伴和SaaS 应用之间的联系成为企业的命脉,企业必须对此进行守护,防止其受到公共互联网诡谲风云带来的影响。

Global Interconnection Index
企业数字化、数据的复合增长与交换要求 IT 行业解决如何在跨不同网络、地区和国家的多家公司之间交换与传输数据的问题。
Digital edge 成为这些物理世界与数字世界的交接点 — 也就是公司数据与这些互连和生态系统的集合的交汇处。

利用数字前沿,通过互连解决关键数字业务挑战 - 执行策略指南
Interconnection Strategy Guide for MNCs
本白皮书旨在让企业领导了解数字化革命的迅速出现和影响,以及重新架构 IT 基础设施作为回应的重要性。本文介绍了令人兴奋的新协作和商业模式,以及如何 利用全球数字业务平台上的数字生态系统。它解释了 Interconnection Oriented Architecture™ (IOA™) 如何让企业能够实时做出反应并快速适应变化,从而创造新的价值和增长机会。

Micro Focus Robotic Process Automation:點燃企業生產力
企業使用者花太多時間處理單調、重複又容易出錯的工作。Micro Focus® Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 為您帶來全新的作業方式,讓您有能力為整個企業建構、保護並擴充自動化的業務程序,無論是舊式或新式業務程序皆適用。迎接您全新的機器員工,解放員工腦力並點燃企業生產力。

Global RPA Survey Results—Adoption, Benefits, and Lessons Learned
RPA adoption is still in the early stages, with small bot deployments, maturing tools, and skills in development. Even so, nearly all companies with RPA implementations are saving time and cutting costs. RPA is easy to adopt with fast value delivery and manageable challenges. It can automate a vast range of processes with fast, accurate, and secure bots.
To move forward and scale RPA, companies need to overcome their current integration, security, and skill-level challenges.

RPA Top 5 : What you should know
Business users spend far too much time on mundane, repetitive, error-prone tasks. Why not save robotic tasks for robots and liberate
human brainpower?
Robotic process automation (RPA) uses software robots that mimic UI-based human actions to automate everyday tasks.
What are the top 5 keypoints you should know when you plan to adopt RPA?

Security Starts at the Edge: The Security Buyer's Guide
Security should not hinder business. It should instead be a business enabler. These days, there is simply no tolerance for poor user experience. Whether your job is to protect an online retailer or the OTT delivery of an organization, end users expect perfection, with no downtime and no delay.
Your next security vendor should satisfy these 4 critical elements ... ...
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