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Accelerate Business Growth With Intelligent Cloud ERP


The economic bounce back is on the way.  This is the golden opportunity to accelerate growth with new markets, digitalized models, and innovative offerings. To be the first to capture the newfound growth, businesses must elevate operation agility and transform their financial and business systems.
That is why businesses are turning to Intelligent Cloud ERP. This next-generation ERP is easy to set up, quick to deliver value, and fast to drive growth.

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Secure digitalization and hybrid working with automation


Through automation, enterprises can improve cybersecurity and drive operational efficiency by streamlining identity processes and decisions such as access requests and access certifications. AI-driven identity security also enables organizations to adapt to changing environments, boost IT productivity and stay ahead of security risks.  

In this video we explored building a solid identity security strategy with AI and ML for enterprises to manage and secure access while protecting the business. ​

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Banking on the mobile boom to boost apps success


Watch this video to learn from different successful Hong Kong apps and explore the strategy to win in the competitive mobile apps market.

  • Building sustainable success in the mobile-first economy

  • Speed up and scale out apps development 

  • Manage and monitor apps performance to capitalize on mobile success

  • Manage, monitor and monetize mobile apps performance

  • Bring personalization to millions with rich analytics 

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RISE To Thrive - Realize the full potential of cloud in times of uncertainty to drive business insights, intelligent and innovation


Cloud is pivotal to business survival. It brings elasticity for businesses to stay resilient in times of uncertainty. But the mere task to integrate ERP with different apps, like SCM, to drive insights often creates more complications. These challenges are limiting many businesses to realize the full potential of cloud, restricting their supply chain agility and prohibiting them to rise and thrive.


Watch this video to explore a simplified cloud strategy designed to support your business digitalization in your industry, in any geography, for any regulatory requirements.

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CLOUD-Innovation-Webinar 2021 
Capture the true value of AI and cloud for your business digitalization


Technology defines the value of your business. Technologies like AI and cloud have become the essentials for many businesses to transform. Yet, not many are able to take full advantage of these technologies when being stuck with its complexity and infrastructure rigidity. 

Using AI can be easy and managing serverless cloud native application can be simple. Watch this video to explore a smarter and faster digital transformation strategy with an IBM Cloud expert to unlock the true value of AI and cloud.

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FSI-Innovation-Webinar 2021 
Plan, Build, Run a data resilient strategy for STDB and beyond


  • Anticipate, withstand and recover rapidly from catastrophic events 

  • The value of STDB and beyond, and a holistic approach for STDB

  • From assessment, scooping to design and plan a data resilient strategy

  • Analyse the 9 characteristics that defines STDB

  • Technology solutions dedicated to enhancing data resilience and cyber security for banks in Hong Kong

  • Services to continuously support the operation of these technologies

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Innovation-Webinar 2021 
Achieve data resilience in the new digital connected environment


  • Roadmap to Data Resilience  - Understand why traditional resiliency solutions are not enough when it comes to data resilience and ransomware attacks

  • Explore best practices in strengthening data resilience

  • Make Data Resilience Real for BFSI Leaders - Gear up for advanced data protection and rapid cyber incident recovery

  • Implement effective controls to assure immutability and protection of critical data

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CIO-CMO-Innovation-Webinar 2021 
Empowering engagement with an AI-enabled 1:1 customer journey


  • Deliver meaningful human connections with personalised community information via multiple touchpoints

  • Combining customer data, analytics, AI and marketing automation to develop real-time connected experiences

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FSI-Innovation-Webinar 2021 
Reimagine Finance - Transform your Finance Organization with Intelligent Workflows


  • Intelligent workflows make the finance function more predictive, transparent, automated and agile, allowing you to increase savings and reduce costs while ensuring regulatory compliance. Intelligent processes minimise inaccuracies, eliminate rework and drive cost-efficiency.

  • Intelligent workflows help manage costs through process standardisation, optimisation and automation that result in major finance outcomes

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The pandemic crisis and the impact of lockdown have been a massive shock to the global economy and to our daily lives. While a “new normal” is developing, the continuation of disruption seems a certainty for some time to come. 

Ingenuity and adaptability will be the critical factors that decide the fate of organizations. Change is happening to every kind of organization at unprecedented speed.  
This video offers insights into which organizations are leading the race in speed and adaptability as we enter a new era of digital urgency.

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As more government departments and bureaux are embracing the new normal with digitized public services and engagement, a modernized and future-proofed data storage infrastructure is a critical foundation for digital success. 

Join us in this webinar to find out how your peers improve public services and operations with a modernized data management platform. A couple cases will be shared to bring insights into turning data challenges into digital success.

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If there’s anything 2020 has taught us, it is the power of resilience. To endure the waves of challenges, many businesses have shifted gear towards technologies to empower workforce, automate operations and engage with customers.

As we are entering 2021 - when there’s nothing normal in the new economy - enterprise leaders and management are continuously seeking new ways to balance disruption and continuity. How do you benchmark against your peers in navigating this uncharted waters of the new economy? Find out the answer by participating in this innovation webinar.

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In this video, global subject matter expert, Jessica Rockwood, will explain with demos to let you understand how AIOps can:

  • Achieve faster mean time to resolution (MTTR)

  • Provide predictive alerts addressing potential problems before lead to slow-downs or outages

  • Empower IT team to focus on higher value work with transparent and clearly explained AI decision making

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AI is expanding the opportunities for insurers. Imagine deploying an advanced machine learning (ML) platform that can help managing claims, detecting frauds, improving operations, personalizing customer experiences, and reducing churn.

To deliver the promise of enterprise-ready AI, you need the ability to rapidly deploy data models as well as the processing power to do it quickly.

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More Videos

September 25, 2020

Success with DevOps - Scale innovation, enhance productivity and boost reliability

  • Creating value depends on your efficiency to deliver applications - increase deployment quality, delivery control and speed to marketCreating value depends on your efficiency

  • Deliver all your applications in a whole new way - Containers, Kubernetes, and hybrid cloud are key ingredients of a platform

  • A more streamlined DevOps process - eliminate the need for specialized skills and extra testing. Drive speed, reduce costs, minimize errors and remove bottlenecks. 


June 19, 2020

Delivering Secure Digital Consumer Experiences Using the Edge

  • Sharing of research findings from our recent survey on Delivering Secure Digital Consumer Experiences Using the Edge

  • How your organization can leverage on Edge architecture (e.g. globally resilient content delivery network) today to deliver and/or secure your consumer facing websites

  • What are the key challenges for your security strategy as it relates to digital/online business

  • How you can handle and leverage consumer data to improve the customer journey and maintain compliance with personal data privacy laws


September 17, 2020

Emerge stronger. Build a data-first infrastructure.Get the most out of your data storage.

  • Reduce complexity with container-enabled enterprise storage, deployed seamlessly across on -premises and hybrid cloud storage environments.

  • Simplify IT infrastructure with optimized efficiency to drive faster results that are massively scalable.

  • Maximize storage efficiency, data security and performance with maximum uptime and resiliency while lowering costs.

  • Building a Next Generation Digital Infrastructure – The Pillar of your Digital Success in a New Normal Era

  • Surpass business goals with speed, productivity and agility, all enabled by a secure, persistent storage infrastructure

  • Storage Made Simple for Hybrid Multi-cloud Resilience, Data Protection and Performance


July 14, 2020


Robotic Process Automation - 企業優化管理與創新轉型的利器

  • 為維持靈活度與競爭力,企業必須持續改善作業程序。無論是保險到銀行業、人力資源到醫療保健,還是電信到電子商務,各產業的企業使用者均花費過多時間操作多種應用程式和後端系統,執行單調、重複又容易出錯的工作。

  • Micro Focus RPA 提供實用、非侵入性的方法以建立、擴充及保護整個企業的自動化業務程序。使用模擬 UI 式人類操作的軟體機器人程式來執行日常工作,讓您完整保留底層 IT 基礎架構。您的機器人程式可像真人一樣與應用程式和系統互動。不同的是,機器人程式速度更快、更準確、高度安全,而且不需休息。這種做法不但能節省寶貴時間,還能降低成本。並讓員工能專心處理更重要的事務。

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September 24, 2020

CXO Forum Hong Kong 2020

Hybrid O2O Event

  • It’s an age full of changes and uncertainties. What kind of transformational leadership will steer the company through the turbulence of disruptive business models, data driven operating environments and consumer experiential economies? What new products and services must be invented to take advantage of the maturity of technology and the adaptability of consumer behaviour?

  • FinTech? Yes. AI? Sure. Blockchain? No doubt. Cloud? Of Course. Machine Learning? Definitely. What must be given up and adopted to stay future proof? 

  • Each CXO occupies a unique position in the company’s success, guarding and dispensing invaluable resources. However, like the musicians in an ensemble, understanding your CXO role is just as important as understanding the role of other CXOs in your company. How would you work together to take your company to the next phase of growth and success?


Aug 18, 2020

建構新一代Data Storage Platform,以提高公共服務的靈活性和可靠性

  • 管理和優化存儲基礎設施,讓機構能夠將數據放在最方便的位置 (本地存儲設備、私有雲,或公共雲),讓應用程式安全存取。

  • 處理好混合多雲環境下的數據存儲,讓雲計算、大數據、物聯網、人工智能、邊緣計算等新技術進一步融合。

  • 全方位數據存儲,實現企業數字化的轉型,並加速了數據價值的挖掘。

  • Key Challenges for IT in public organizations - assess the key challenges they are facing  

  • as data continues to grow exponentially 

  • Highlight the best practices in deploying a modernized data storage platform customized for 

  • government agencies


June 11, 2020


雲存儲舞台上的超級新星 : 對象存儲技術 (Cloud Object Storage)

Modernize existing applications and data architecture with COS

Storing extensive data in a traditional environment is expensive. Are you looking for flexible storage classes and archiving designed to meet the breadth of your data storage and access needs?


Cloud Object Storage is the perfect solution for you - storing unlimited amounts of unstructured data in the cloud. It is cost effective, scalable and very reliable.

IBM Cloud Object Storage is designed to support exponential data growth and cloud-native workloads. 

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June 18, 2020

廣東話線上研討會《與CIO 對話 》​



Migrating Legacy Infrastructure to Hybrid Multi-Cloud Architecture 

Executive Dialogue (1)

與機場管理局 CIO 對話,參考新舊系統串接、自由遷移應用的成功經驗

Executive Dialogue (2)

使用敏捷 DevOps 程序來加速開發雲原生應用程式,並與記載和監視工具相互整合,讓開發人員和系統架構師能無縫合作。Multicloud Management 能夠提供從內部部署到邊緣運算完全一致的可視度、控管及自動化,同時提供豐富的功能,為多叢集、事件、應用程式及基礎架構進行高效管理,並整合現有的工具和處理程序。


June 22, 2020


新興混合雲技術 + 開源解決方案,為各式環境提供創新基石


Accelerate Your DevOps Transformation to Enhance Delivery and Productivity  

Expert Sharing (1) – 

  • 使用敏捷 DevOps 程序來加速開發雲原生應用程式,並與記載和監視工具相互整合,讓開發人員和系統架構師能無縫合作

  • 企業利用 IBM 的混合多雲平台和支援紅帽 Openshift 的 IBM 軟體,實現組織轉型,以增強其競爭優勢。


Expert Sharing (2) – 

  • OpenShift on POWER - 打造混合多雲的架構,將關鍵型任務的工作負載安全地移轉到私有雲或混合多雲平台

  • IBM Power Systems 支持 OpenShift,通過一鍵式部署實現自動恢復能力、資料合規和安全性,以協助企業遷移到混合雲基礎架構。

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June 03, 2020

CXO Forum (Online)
Fly up or Fade out in the Era of Disruption

At the CXO Forum 2020, our expert speakers and your fellow business elites will force you to evaluate if your company can survive the next wave of change.

Will your company under your leadership fly up like a rocket? Or will it fade out like a pair of washed jeans?

It’s an age full of changes and uncertainties. What kind of transformational leadership will steer the company through the turbulence of disruptive business models, data driven operating environments and consumer experiential economies?



Aug 05, 2020

How to grow your eCommerce business for your online shop



  1. Do I find your Online shop attractive?...

  2. Am I attracted to your “Door Opener” or “Hero Product” with no barrier?

  3. Can I find what I want to buy? 

  4. Are you providing enough information for me to decide my purchase? 

  5. Can I read more about other buyers’ reviews?

  6. Can I try your product with guaranteed refund/return?

  7. Can I buy with peace in mind? 

  8. How easy can I commit a purchase? 

  9. Can I track my order?  

  10. How easy can I return or refund?


May 12, 2020

Digital Marketing Essentials in Hong Kong & Mainland China

Need a digital marketing roadmap to China?


Wusool invites Matthew Kwan, Principal Consultant of Solomon Hong Kong, to bring you a special webinar regarding the digital landscape in HK & China and how to select the best platforms to optimise your business.

Topic #1: eCommerce Success by Great User Experience

Topic #2: eCommerce Success by Sales Funnel Creation

Topic #3: eCommerce Success by Loyalty Program & Affiliation



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